eHarmony Settings
By Corbin HartwickUpdated on August 18, 2024
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eHarmony’s settings allow you to change the basic info about your match settings – such as your age, ethnicity, income and more – and your account settings – like your billing info and password.
To access your settings, go to and log in (if you haven’t already), and then click Settings in the top meu.

You’ll be automatically redirected to your Match Settings, where you can click on categories at the top in order to edit them, or click the arrows on the right/left to show more categories to edit. If there’s something you’d like to edit, click on it and it’ll show up below. In this example, we’ll make some edits in the Age category.

Click on the piece you’d like to edit. Not all pieces are as easy to edit; for example, if you want to change your age, you’ll have to email those who work at eHarmony. However ,you can easily click and change the preferred age of your matches.

Click in each box and type in a number to set the preferred age range of your matches. Click Save when you’re done.

At the top header, select Account Settings to deal with issues like password changes, billing information, and your email notification settings.
You’ll automatically see the General account settings that allow you to change your password or your email address. Select Email to show the types of emails you’re allowing eHarmony to send you.

As a default, everything is selected. It’s easy to see which you’d want more than others as they’re split up into two groups – “Match Alerts” and “Other Alerts”. “Other Alerts” include offers, newsletters, and more. “Match Alerts” include emails when someone sends you a photo or an icebreaker, and when you receive new matches.
Click the check boxes beside each option to mark or unmark them. You will only receive emails about the options that are marked.

By selecting Billing, you’ll be able to update any billing information, from your payment method to your subscription status (Six month vs. one year and basic vs. total connect membership).

Those are a few of the major settings you can change on eHarmony!