How to Reset Your Instagram Password

By Corbin HartwickUpdated on February 2, 2022

I forgot my Instagram password! What do I do?

Try as you might, there will be some times where you can’t remember everything important in your life. If your Instagram account password is one of them, or you suspect that someone can get into your Instagram account against your wishes, this tutorial will teach you how to reset your Instagram password so that you can access your account again.

To reset an Instagram password

1. Start the Instagram application on your mobile device.

2. On the Log In screen, next to the “Password” field, tap Forgot?

3. Instagram will offer you a few different methods that you can use to reset your password: sending you an email, sending you a text message, or logging into your Facebook account. For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll pick the first option.

4. Underneath where it says “Find Your Account”, tap the text field and type in either the user name or email address that you use for your Instagram account. Then tap the arrow icon in the top-right corner.

5. Once Instagram finds your account, you’ll again be given the choice of how you want to reset your password: by email, by text message, or by logging into Facebook. Again, we’ll pick email for the purposes of this tutorial.

6. Go to your email client and log in. Find the email from Instagram titled “Reset Your Password” and open it. Then click the Reset Password button within the email.

7. On the new screen that appears, click in the box labelled “New Password” and type in a new password that you wish to use for your Instagram account. (If you need help coming up with one, see our How to Make a Strong Password tutorial for some tips.) Then click in the box labelled “New Password Confirmation” and type in a copy of the new password that you just came up with. Finally, click Reset Password.

There! You should be able to access your Instagram account again, and it will have a shiny new password on top of everything. Now, you may want to consider using a password manager program to remember your new password, along with your other passwords. Our What is a Password Manager article has more information on what they are and how to use them.