How to Book Hotels on Expedia
By Corbin HartwickUpdated on March 14, 2022
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Need a home away from home on your next trip? Expedia allows you to:
- Pick a hotel near where you want to stay, be that a city, an airport, or a famous landmark.
- Pick what kind of lodgings you want, from a standard hotel to a bed & breakfast to even a private rental property.
- Pick what amenities you want at your hotel, including complimentary breakfast, free Wi-Fi, an exercise room, a swimming pool, and more.
- Sort what hotels you see based on their star ratings, guest ratings, prices, distances from where you want to go, and more.
How to Book a Hotel Room with Expedia
1. Go to and click Hotels in the menu across the top.

2. You’ll use the window on the left side of the screen to set things up. First, click one of the buttons near the top to indicate which accommodations you’ll be booking together. Then, click in each of the boxes below that and type in or select your destination, check-in date, check-out date, number of rooms needed, and number of people in certain age groups staying in each room. Click Search when you’re done.

3. Once you reach the results page, you can click on the headings across the top to sort your results by:
– Distance from your targeted area
– Price
– Hotel name (alphabetical order)
– Guest ratings
– Star ratings
– Best deals
– Most popular
You can also click the buttons and check boxes along the left side to filter your results by:
– Star rating
– Price
– Type of hotel (hotel, bed & breakfast, guest house, private home, etc.)
– Services within the hotel (free Wi-Fi, swimming pool, complimentary breakfast, etc.)
Or you can click the highlighted box that says “Hotel Name” and type in a specific hotel that you’re looking for, then click Go to search for it.
Once you find a hotel that you like, click on its name.

4. Scroll down to the “Book Your Room” window on the next page to see what rooms are available. Click Book next to the room you want to begin the booking process.

5. There are three main things that you need to do on the next screen. The first is to enter your contact details in case Expedia or the hotel itself needs to get in touch with you.Click the box labelled “Contact Name” and type in your first and last name.In the box labelled “Phone Number,” click the flag to select your country from the drop-down menu (so Expedia or the hotel knows what country code to apply when they call you). Then click in the box beside the flag and type in your phone number.

6. The next thing you need to do is enter your billing information. (For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll assume that you’ll be paying with a credit card). Click in each of the boxes shown in the screenshot below and type in or select your debit/credit card number, your card type, your card’s expiration date (month and year), your card’s ID number (click the blue “?” if you need help finding it), your name as it appears on your card, and your mailing code for billing purposes.

7. The final thing to do is tell Expedia where you want the booking confirmation sent. Click in the box labelled “Email Address” and type in the email address that you want your booking confirmation sent . You can also click the check box here if you don’t want Expedia sending you additional offers.

8. One last bit of business: click the check box in the screen below to say that you accept all of the legal stuff that applies to what you’re doing. (NOTE: you may want to click on the links here and save or print what you find, in case you want to read and study it first or at some other point). Now click Complete Booking to receive your confirmation email.

Congratulations on booking a hotel with Expedia, and sweet dreams!