How to Book Flights on Priceline
By Corbin HartwickUpdated on March 17, 2022
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Looking to get a good deal on a flight out of town? Priceline can help you do it! The process for booking a flight on Priceline is similar to how it’s done on most other travel booking platforms: enter where you’re coming from and where you’re going (and when), and then search for available flights. Pick a flight that suits you (or two, or three), enter your traveling information, pick your seats, and then check out by entering your payment information.
To book a Priceline flight:
- Go to and click Flights.
- Enter criteria to search for suitable flights.
- Select from available flights.
- Enter insurance preference and each traveler’s information.
- Select seats for each passenger on each flight.
- Enter your billing information and confirm your order.
If that’s as clear as mud to you, read on for more detailed instructions. We have pictures to show you where everything you need to click is.
Detailed instructions for booking Priceline flights
1. Open your web browser and go to In the menu across the top, click Flights.

2. Now, you must enter search criteria to look for a flight.

First, select whether your flight will be “Round Trip,” “One Way,” or “Multi-Destination” (the interface may change slightly depending on which one you pick). Then, enter the city or airport that you are departing from, and then the one you will be arriving at. Then, select a departure date and (if applicable) a return date. Finally, select the numbers of adults and children (respectively) who will be taking the flight together.
If you click the “More Options” check box, you can also select preferences for seat class, airline, alternate departure or return dates, or for non-stop or unrestricted flights.
When you’ve finished entering your specifications, click Search Flights.
3. At the top of your results screen, you can use the options at the top of the screen to filter your results by airline, number of stops, or departure time.

4. You can also click any of the headings at the top of your result list to sort your results by Price, Airline, Departure (Time), Stops, Arrival (Time), or Travel Time. When you find a flight that you like, click Choose beside it.

(NOTE: If you have to choose additional flights for your trip, including return flights, then they will follow an almost identical procedure).
5. On the next screen, you can choose whether or not to get trip insurance in the “We Recommend Trip Protection” section. Click the button beside your choice.

6. Next, for each passenger over the age of 2, fill in their information. For adults, the required information is:
– Your first name
– Your last name
– Your month of birth
– Your date of birth
– Your year of birth
– Your gender
All other information is optional.

Finally, select the number of passengers under the age of 2 who will be traveling with you (they get to ride for free!). Then click Next at the bottom.
7. Next, you will have to select which seats you wish to occupy for each flight.

Click on an available seat in the airplane seating diagram to select it. Then click Next Flight and repeat this process until you have selected seats in all flights you will be taking on this trip. When you’re finished, click Done Selecting Seats.
Repeat this step for each other child and/or adult over the age of 2 who is traveling with you.
8. The last step is to enter your billing details and confirm your order.

In the “Important Information” section, click in the box labelled “Initial Here” and type in your initials. Then, in the section labelled “Enter Your Billing Address”, click in the respective boxes and type in or select:
– Your first name
– Your last name
– Your street address
– They country in which you live
– The city or town in which you live
– The state, province, or territory in which you live
– Your mailing code
– A phone number at which you can be reached in the daytime
– A phone number at which you can be reached in the evening
– Your email address
– A copy of your email address
Make sure as much of this information matches how it appears on your credit card statement!
Next, in the section labelled “Enter Your Credit Card”, click in the respective boxes and type in or select:
– Your credit card type
– Your credit card number
– The month that your credit card expires
– The year that your credit card expires
– Your credit card’s security code (click What’s This? for help finding it)
9. When you’re all done, click Buy My Tickets Now at the bottom of the screen.

You should receive confirmation information on your flight tickets, either on the next screen or in your email inbox, which you should print out. You will probably need it when you go to check in for your flight during boarding.
That’s about all you need to know about booking a flight on Priceline! In case your plans happen to change, be sure to read up on the Priceline cancellation policy.